Golden Isles Speedway
Season opener set for March 24th and 25th
With the Super Bowl of Racing behind us , next up is the start of our regular season with an open practice set for 3/24 and a full show on 3/25 and we will close the season in October with our annual Showdown on the Coast 10k to win CRUSA race.
2023 tentative schedule:
March 24th - Open Practice
25th - "Set it Off" season opener
602,604,SuperStreet,Street Stock and Crown Vic
April 7th - Open Practice
8th - Top Gun Sprints $1200 to win, plus Enduro, Street Stock and
27th - Borderline Brawl practice
28th - Borderline Brawl Round 7 - prelims - Enduros plus 602's
29th - Borderline Brawl Round 7 - Enduros, plus 604's and Crown Vic
May 19th - Open Practice
20th - 604,602,Enduro ,Crown Vic, SuperStreet and Street Stock
June 23rd - Open Practice
24th - 604, 602 , Enduro ,Street Stock, SuperStreet and Crown Vic
July 7th - Open Practice
8th - Stock Stars - Enduro, SuperStreet, Street Stock and Crown Vic
28th - Open Practice -
29th - 5k to win CRUSA 604, 602 and Enduro
August 4th - Open Practice
5th - Top Gun Sprints $1200 to win, Plus 604, Enduro and Crown Vic
25th - Open Practice
26th - 2k to win Modified Mafia, 602,Street Stock and SuperStreet
September 1st - Open Practice -
2nd - 604,SuperStreet, Street Stock and Crown Vic
29th - Open Practice
30th - Sharp Mini Late Models plus 602, Enduros and Crown Vic
Showdown on the Coast
October 12th - Open Practice
13th -Prelim night CRUSA 604 and 602 - qualifying and heats
14th - 10k to win CRUSA 604, 602 B mains and feature, plus
Enduros and Crown Vics
We look forward to seeing everyone out here again , lets kick the 2023 season off strong at our season opener " Set it Off" March 25th!
Any questions or concerns feel free to contact the office at 912-386-0061.
Camping - www.goldenislesrv.com
Submitted By: Amber Bronson